By David Kiarie (Originally published on Sep 26, 2013)

Over 30 people from Kunduchi village in Dar es Salaam are now aware of their HIV status thanks to a free HIV counseling and testing exercise organized by Art In Tanzania last Thursday.

A total of 38 villagers most of them youthful men took the bold step after a team of AIT staff and volunteers conducted a HIV and AIDS sensitization campaign at the beach village.

A health officer from PASADA, one of the 483816_10151200538731930_1590266374_n-300x225Unicef children agenda partners, offered the testing services.

By the time darkness fell, a number of villagers who had registered for the test were still queuing to have the important test done. A big number of them were advised to go for the test the next time AIT takes the services at the village.

According to Tanzania Health Demographic Survey 2010, the HIV prevalence of people between the ages 15 -49 is 5.7 per cent.

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