By David Kiarie (Originally Published on Sep 26, 2013)

Volunteers and staff from Art In Tanzania will this evening flex their muscles when they meet for a football match at Kondo grounds of Bahari beach.

In the last encounters, the volunteers overpowered their hosts winning two of the three matches they have played.

In the first match the volunteers crashed the 222633_10151235851051930_601836986_n-300x200staff two goals to nail. The match that followed saw the staff spirit dampen further after they lost to the volunteers 2-1. The staff team however managed to beat the volunteers’ 2-3 in their third match.

This evening, the two teams will be meeting for the fourth time this year and the game is expected to be action packed with each team yearning to win.

Besides bringing the volunteers and the staff together, the games offer an opportunity for the volunteers most of who come from other countries an opportunity to interact with locals who turn up in sizeable numbers to spectate.

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