By Enos Masaga – Art in Tanzania internship
Public relations is an important and versatile marketing communication tools. It can be employed both internally and externally of an organizations many fees that public relations is an external marketing tools with the firm’s attempting to communicate with wide range of external publics in order to cast the organizations in favourite light in people mind. 1995 public relations professional emerged in Tanzania and the first university to offer this faculties is saint August university of Tanzania (SAUT) named PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING. Followed by university of Dar essalaam (UDSM) named PUBLIC RELATIONS AND ADVERTISING, Tumain university , National institute of transport (NIT) named MARKETING AND PUBLIC RELATIONS.
The introduction of public relations association has been recognized by the United republic of Tanzania under the societies Acts (CAP 337 R.E. 2002).among of association is National public relations association (NPRA), Saut student public relations association (SSPRA), University of Dar essalaam advertising student association (UDPRASA), Marketing and public relations association national institute of accountancy ( MPRA) , Tumaini public relations student association (TPSA) Public relations association introduced in the university and higher learning institutions purpose to expose news skills and knowledge for the PR students on strategic communication, event preparations , community relations, charity ,developing community involvement programs, understanding them WHAT is PR and NOT,
In 2005 established Public relations society of Tanzania ( PRST ) is governed by the board trustees, and executive committee and encompasses different kind of membership to the association. It’s the body that regulate the practice of public relations professional in Tanzania by oversight directing and facilitating the professional that is adhered to the highest of standard and excellent in all aspects of communication
Public relations association has significantly economic, social and political aspects, hence enabled community strength they dream by encouraging them to develop skills and talent examples NPRA YOUTH GALA in 2018 allowed people to demonstrate they talent during the event, also it has enabled society to ensure human right and emphases equal participation among them, by demonstrating negative impact of genital mutilation to the children’s and telling them every body has equal right to participate in decision-making without regarding his or her color, religions and age.