Hi, this is Paavo writing.

I’ve been working for Art in Tanzania these past 8 weeks as a media intern. As this is my last day on the job, I thought it would be a good opportunity to tell what’s been going on, and how I hope media programmes of Art in Tanzania will go on after I’m gone back home.

It’s not been the busiest time for programmes, these few months just before the summer. So what better time to redefine our social media strategy and emphasize various programmes. My work has been mostly related to letting you, the public know what Art in Tanzania has to offer. I’ve been posting descriptions of various programmes to Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media platforms day after day.

Now new interns have arrived and programmes for summer can start full swing. I’ve taken care of not letting any of our platformsdry out, so now new media interns have great possiblities to keep us posted on what goes on day in and day out within our NGO. There’s a lot of super interesting things happening, not the least of which is our programme provided by the Swiss Embassy grant for music, which allows media interns to photograph and record amazing Tanzanian artists as they are writing and performing music that goes against the very big problem of corruption.

I do also hope I’m leaving things a little better off than it was. I’ve created a new Facebook page for the Environmental supplies Art in Tanzania provides for the locals, so more solar-powered and renewable technology could find its way to new users. I also hope my visiting, photographing and publicizing of various programmes, especially in Education, will encourage new inters to take the chance for an internship of a lifetime and come here to help rural communities in need.

Even though the rain season went on a bit longer than many of us hoped, life has been sunny and peaceful here. I got a chance to visit the beautiful island of Zanzibar, as well as have the unforgettable experience of going to a safari in Mikumi and see all the famed animals up close. I would advise interns to take part in the many extracurricular activities Art in Tanzania has to offer.

It’s been a wonderful time that I’ll surely remember the rest of my days. I hope the interns working in AIT after me will have as much of a blast as I have.

Peace out!

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