By Paul Mwakajila – Art in Tanzania internship

As a nurse and midwife, the main responsibility is to save the lives of people, especially a pregnant women. Despite the effort of the government and health workers the problems still exist. 

Pregnant women are in search of maternity leave occur at home, on the way, and few on services delivery areas due to late.

There are many causes for this problem.

First, the shortage of facilities and health care providers.

Traditional birth attendant (TBA), Its true that traditional birth attendant have done a great job of helping a pregnant women giving a birth especially in the year before advanced technology. But now the challenges of pregnant women are more and great, so you don’t need only experience without a knowledge and skills. 

Early marriage, there are tribes and some culture in the society they believe that a girl should get a marriage no matter how old she is, usually a women genitals (reproductive organ) need to be mature enough at least at age of 18 years so as to allow a pregnant and childbirth to be safer. This culture has become a very thorn to many girls and have led to death and mourning in many families.

There are many causes for maternal death, also chronic diseases like cancer,diabet,hypertension etc. Poor infrastructure, poor education, poor food intake during a pregnant etc.

Solution it depend on causes, despite the great effort of government, non-government organisation but there is still great need to build health facilities, to employ health care provider, educating the community about the best way to access the health care, the important of attending clinic during during pregnant, food intake during pregnancy, etc.

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