By Eleanor Piercy (Originally Published on Sep 23, 2013)

Madale 1For more than half a decade, Art In Tanzania has been working with volunteers from around the world giving them an opportunity to serve communities throughout Tanzania. Currently there are placements in Dar es Salaam, Moshi, Karatu, Masai Land and Zanzibar.

The projects undertaken are very rewarding and over 1000 volunteers sign up to take part each year. The organization’s Dar es Salaam volunteer house is located 16 kilometres out of the city in Bahari beach. And due to growing community demands for more volunteer services, plans are underway to put up another house further inland. The new premises will have a volunteer house, a recording studio-Mzuka records, and a school among other facilities. The location for this building is key, as the surrounding area is already home to many schools and orphanages which can be involved in the projects run by Art in Tanzania. The site is located at the top of a gentle hill, giving views of miles of the surrounding areas and allowing admiration of the natural beauty of Tanzania.

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The site will have a communal feel, with everything built in close proximity to each other while blending the volunteers’ experience with the local cultures and lifestyle.

The ground work for the building has begun with the foundation already in place, thanks to donations received from partners and well-wishers. First to be constructed will be a volunteer house, to allow volunteers to move in and take part in projects in the surrounding area. It is hoped that construction will be through in less than a years’ time.

The rest of the building however may take longer to finish as the progress will depend on donations being made to complete the work.

Madale 6Similarly, funds are currently being raised for the construction of a project in Bagamoyo. This is an area in great need of help. Art in Tanzania plans to open a youth centre in the area to provide education, as youth unemployment is a particular problem in the region. The organization has acquired land which will be home to an orphanage, nursery, primary and secondary schools, sport facilities, an art and music centre, medical clinic and a volunteer’s house.

With the help of donations and volunteer participation fee it is hoped that Art in Tanzania can create opportunities for young people and allow them the chance to reach their full potential.

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