By Emilia Sten and Anna Kevin (Originally Published Sep 25, 2013)

The market tour is consisting of five different kind of markets. Tinga Tinga-market, fish market, the Wonder Workshop and the wood market.

"I was amazed, but also a bit disgusted about what he did with this fish" - Emilia
I was amazed but also a bit disgusted about what he did with this fish Emilia

Tinga Tinga is a type of paintings that was developed in Dar Es Salaam. The paintings are colorful and often made with a bit of humor, a bit like caricature. At the Tinga Tinga market you can just admire all the nice arts and watch as they make them or buy some to take with you home.

For the ones who are not afraid of a little fish smell, the fish market is really interesting. You can watch them catch the fish by the shore and see how they cut them to pieces. Seeing them put the knife straight between the eyes can sound a bit harsh, but it’s a way of seeing the real tanzanian life.

At the Wonder Workshop you can see how people use their imagination by creating art out of things you otherwise would throw away. The Workshop is maintained by people who are struggling with different disabilities. You can read more about this workshop in the blog post “Wonder Workshop, where arts meets innovation”.

The Wood market is located on the main road. Here you can find jewellery, clothes, paintings and also the famous sculptures carved out of wood.

DSCN6232Bargain is the key here and you have to be patient because everyone wants you to buy things. It’s not easy to know how much you should pay for your shoppings, but the local team leaders who are with you the whole tour can help. It’s anyway much cheaper than back home.

Food is excluded, but under the tour we stopped at a really nice lunch place called Samaki-Samaki situated in the city center of Dar Es Salaam.

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